I was invited to give a talk about my methods at South Bedfordshire Golf Club last week. I always find golfers are open to my techniques because they more than anyone how the smallest of adjustments can a huge difference to performance. I spoke for about an hour about habits and their influence on the game but how difficult it can be to change a habit if you are unaware of them.
Many golfers 'go wrong' long before they play their shot due to unconscious action that have become part of their preparations. These often include holding breath, tightening the shoulders and stiffening the legs. All of these are unnecessary and will impact negatively in the shot. When ever I do a talk I always include practicals for people to try to help prove my theories. These went down well and judging by the number of people who bought my book afterwards I think it was very well received.
If you would like to read more about habits and golf please click here.
Of if you would like me to come and give a talk and demonstration at your sports club please feel free to contact me.